Who Leads in Our Non-Scientific Mayoral Poll?
Adrian Perkins is still the Mayor of Shreveport and he still has 2 more years in his term, but there are some people already talking about who should be the next Mayor if he decides to step aside early. Some say we will have to begin thinking about that if he could pull off a major upset and beat Senator Bill Cassidy for his U.S. Senate seat.
We are conducting a poll among the 10 most likely candidates for Mayor and want your opinion. Click here to take the poll and let us know who you would support in the Mayor's race.
Our poll has been up a full week and here are the results so far:
Jim Taliaferro 29%
LeVette Fuller 19%
Brian Crawford 16%
Markey Pierre 10%
Mario Chavez 9%
William Bradford 7%
Lee O. Savage 6%
Steven Jackson 3%
Barbara Norton 1%
Sam Jenkins 0%
Does this surprise you? Again, this is a non-scientific poll, but it does give us a little bit of a pulse about what you are thinking.
I do wonder if I included Perkins on this list, how he would do. Maybe I'll do another one and see how our current mayor would fare against these challengers.