Perkins $200M Bond Proposal: What’s In It, Do We Want It? [VIDEO]
Political analyst Scott Hughes talks about Mayor Adrian Perkins $200 million bond proposal, what's in it and what are the chances of it passing.
"I was kind of stunned," Hughes says, talking about looking at the Perkins proposal, which will first go to the City Council for review, "It's north of $200 million. The last one that failed (in November of 2019) was $186 million, so for $200 million for a bond issue just to pop up at the beginning of the year, it's kind of shocking in political terms."
Hughes then addresses the manner of the proposals presentation, starting with the council instead of the standard months of community meetings and hearings by city leaders. "There (could be) a bond election in April, so (the council) needs to move on. There wasn't time for meetings. And we're in a Coronavirus pandemic so perhaps (the Mayor wanted) to punt that requirement. But, normally to get to this point you want to build...a political backing - the backing of the public or the councilpersons - but in this case we're told, 'This is going to be on the ballot and...we're going to vote up or down to move this to the people. It seems to be a swing-for-the-fences-and-I-don't-care-if-I-strike-out strategy.
And though almost all admit the city is in dire need of cash for improvements in almost every area, Mayor Perkins selling the idea to the City Council reminds us of Councilwoman LeVette Fuller's quote before the November '19 election: ""I'm not going to give you a puppy until you prove you can take care of a goldfish...and Shreveport keeps killing the goldfish."