Shreveport Mayor Pitching $200 Million Bond Election
The Mayor of Shreveport is asking the city council to move forward with a bond election this spring to pay for major upgrades in our community.
The council can not take final action on this massive bond package for at least 2 weeks.
The plan is to put 4 separate propositions on the April ballot. The largest is $88.4 million for "streets, highways, bridges, and drainage systems, and water systems, along with appurtenances thereto and acquiring necessary buildings, land and/or rights therein, equipment and furnishings."
The 2nd proposition is $76.7 million to pay for "constructing, acquiring, and improving public facilities and equipment for the police department and fire department along with acquiring the necessary buildings, land and/or rights." It also includes equipment and furnishings.
Proposition 3 is for $22 million to fund "constructing, acquiring, and/or improving public facilities for parks and recreation, and public transportation, along with acquiring the necessary buildings land and/or rights therein, equipment and furnishings."
Proposition 4 is $19.5 million to pay for "economic development including but not limited to industrial park and workforce development facilities, along with appurtenances and infrastructure related thereto and acquiring necessary buildings, land and/or rights therein, equipment and furnishings."
The proposed date for the election is Saturday April 24th.
In 2019, voters rejected all 3 propositions on the ballot. Those items totaled more than $186 million. Proposition 1 for water and sewerage failed 51%-49%. Proposition 2 for police, fire and SPAR lost by a 52%-48% count. Proposition 3 for streets and drainage failed by just 50.