Residents Invited to Captain Shreve Spring Meeting
This will be the 2nd meeting I have attended as a new Board Member for the the Captain Shreve Neighborhood Association, but, it's a pretty big one. The group is hosting its Annual Spring Meeting and residents of the area are encouraged to attend.
The gathering is from 6-7pm on Thursday, April 19th at Haynes Avenue Baptist Church at 610 Haynes Avenue in Shreveport. You will get a chance to meet Board Members, pay you membership fees and hear from elected officials about what's being done in the neighborhood. You can also find ways to volunteer to help.
The CSNA is the official association of all residents of the Shreve Island and Broadmoor Terrace neighborhoods in Shreveport, from Shreveport-Barksdale Highway to E. 70th and East Kings Hwy. to the Clyde Fant Parkway. You can also find out how you can get involved with the neighborhood group. There will several door prizes handed out during the event.