KEEL’s Erin McCarty Blows It Up In the ‘One Chip Challenge’ [VIDEO]
It's called the "One Chip Challenge" and it's the latest video trend gone viral across America. The Paqui company of North Carolina, producing a single chip made from the Carolina ghost pepper, a "snack" so hot that it measures up to one million units on the Scoville scale...and KEEL's Erin McCarty was willing to take the dare.
Armed with Prilosec, Pepto Bismol, eggnog, bread and semi-melted Blue Bell ice cream, the gutsy McCarty, under the watchful eye of a pair of the Shreveport Fire Departments most able EMTs, gulped down the fiery morsel in a single bite. And the studio audience and thousands of listeners watched and listened.
She sat. She looked stunned. She started to shake (a lot). And then she stood, and the dozens of onlookers gasped as her body jerked. But then, after burying her burning face in the pint of Blue Bell (a tight fit, for sure), the new queen of all-things-spicy thrust her arms skyward in triumph. And now, here's your chance to see McCarty defeat the chip that has brought humiliation (and hours of discomfort) to so many others!