SHREVEPORT, LA - The battle over Fairgrounds Field is still stalled in a legal battle. And the property sits abandoned as a major eye sore in the middle of the city.

Erin McCarty
Erin McCarty

Over a year ago, the city of Shreveport was ordered to halt the demolition at the old ballpark. Friends of Fairgrounds Field LLC and John Lowe have sued the city over concerns about mishandling the bat guano at the site.


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Henderson Construction was hired by the city last year to do the demo work, but the suit claims the company does not know how to handle the bat guano problem and there is concern about the health of residents in the area.


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Attorneys for the plaintiffs claim the site could be a "public health risk."

The city hired Henderson Construction for nearly $300,000 to handle the demolition and only a small part of the work has been complete.

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What Are Work Crews Doing at the Stadium This Week?

KEEL News recently noticed crews working at the site moving piles of debris. We questioned folks at the city about the work to find out if the demolition process is back on. We have learned SPAR officials are moving the visible piles of junk to other locations as our community prepares for the Independence Bowl.

The big game is Saturday December 16 and will feature Cal against Texas Tech. Thousands of visitors are expected to converge on our community and city officials want to try to clean things up a bit around the old ball park.

You'll remember the criticism from a writer for BYU blasted Shreveport a few years ago when he was in town to cover the bowl game.

Fair Grounds Field opened in 1986 and underwent renovations in 1999, 2009, and 2011. It was home to the Shreveport Captains minor league baseball team when it opened.

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What Do City Officials Say About Fairgrounds Field?

The City of Shreveport's website says:

Fairgrounds Field is also highly visible from I-20, and the abandoned structure is hardly a symbol of economic opportunity welcoming I-20 travelers. Additionally, demolition would allow the City to discontinue perimeter maintenance, like painting the fences and cutting the grass, that cost the city money.

While it will be sad to see this memory go, it is time to say goodbye to Fairgrounds Field.

Mayor Arceneaux tells KEEL News he feels Fairgrounds Field has gone past its useful life, and is no longer able to be revitalized or rehabbed  for any further usefulness.

A Last, Sad Look into Shreveport's Fairgrounds Field

Gallery Credit: Mike Martindale

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