Watch this Car Drive Itself in Shreveport
Will self driving cars be here before we know it? It looks like it.
I don't think I'm ready for this high tech future. Things are just moving too fast.
You might know I hit a Christmas tree on I-20 in Shreveport the other day, damaging my car. So I am in a rental car while Yokem Toyota fixes the damage to mine. The rental I am in is not a high dollar car. It's a basic model Toyota Camry. But I was shocked on day 1 behind the wheel when the car sort of jerked me back into the lane I was in.
When I got home, I pulled out the book to find out what the heck that was. Turns out this car has Live Drive Assist or something like that. It has some sort of lazer gadgets that know when you are drifting out of your lane.
Take a look at what happened while driving on I-20 in Shreveport. Again I have no hands on the wheel.
I've also driven (or the car has driven) from Monkhouse to Pines Road with no hands on the wheel. The car beeps and moves you back into your lane unless you put on your turn signal. So I have no feet on the pedals (I'm in cruise control) and no hands on the wheel for about 3 miles.
Could fully self driving cars be much far behind. This is a little freaky, but the technology is out there. You can turn this feature off. But I'm having fun playing with it driving on the interstate with no hands on the wheel.