SHREVEPORT, LA - Shreveport leaders have been working to find new and innovative ways to attract more police officers to the ranks. The department is more than 100 officers short. This has been an ongoing problem in police departments around the country.

Shreveport Police Car
Shreveport Police

One of the big ways cities recruit officers is a signing bonus and salaries. Shreveport officers were given a 13% across-the-board pay increase a couple of years ago. Our officers also get regular increases from the state. But we are still falling short in keeping the ranks where they need to be.

Some critics say part of the problem is police departments are too top heavy. They say police agencies have far too many folks working desk jobs and making 6 figures.

Shreveport has 10 officers making more than 100 thousand dollars and more than 25 officers making more than 90 thousand a year.

One way Shreveport is dealing with the manpower shortage is teaming up with the Caddo Parish Sheriff's Department. Deputies have been patrolling in the southern part of the city so Shreveport officers can concentrate in higher crime neighborhoods. That joint operation ended on December 31. We don't know yet if that effort will continue.

READ MORE: Top Salaries in Shreveport City Government.

Top 25 Shreveport Police Salaries

Who Makes the Most at SPD



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