Texas Made Blue Bell Ice Cream “One of the Worst Ice Creams??”
So there's a guy in New York, (need I say more?) who has written an article about how Blue Bell Ice Cream is "one of the worst ice creams in the country." Haha! Blue Bell! This yahoo actually took time out of his day to put pen to paper, so to speak, to write an article for "Eat This, Not That" to say Blue Bell uses the "lowest quality ingredients" when manufacturing what surely is the manna God provided the Israelites during their 40 years in the desert.
New York based writer Steven John lists 9 ice creams in his article describing them as "Ice Cream Brands That Use the Lowest Quality Ingredients." I won't even go into all of those listed, as some aren't even available here in the south. But he has completely delegitimized his list by including Blue Bell Ice Cream. In his article he quotes a "Mashed Survey" stating "one of the worst ice creams... well, if you Google Mashed.com, their survey lists Blue Bell as Number 3.. BEST... so maybe he's quoting a different "Mashed."
Blue Bell Creameries was founded in 1907 in Brenham, Texas. Did you know the name came from the native Texas bluebell wildflower? From the Blue Bell website:
It all started on a hot summer day in 1907
A group of local businessmen in Brenham, Texas, decided to establish the Brenham Creamery Company and make butter from excess cream brought in by area farmers. A few years later, the creamery began making ice cream and delivering it to neighbors by horse and wagon. It was in 1930 that the company changed its name to Blue Bell Creameries after the native Texas bluebell wildflower. Butter was produced until 1958 when Blue Bell began to focus full time on making ice cream.
Blue Bell one of the worst ice creams... please.... 'round here... them's fightin' words.
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