Shreveport Residents Urged to Support Millages
Residents of the Captain Shreve Neighborhood got a chance to ask questions about the April 28th tax election in Shreveport.
Councilman Oliver Jenkins talked about how important these 6 propositions are for the city. He says the millages will bring in about 11 million dollars and fund critical services for our community.
Here's a description of the 6 items on the ballot:
Proposition 1: Streets
Improving, repairing, and maintaining the streets of the City of Shreveport.
Proposition 2: Parks & Recreation/Community Centers
Operating and supplying park and recreational facilities and personnel with resources to maintain current programming and levels of service.
Proposition 3: Employee Salaries
Continuing the salaries and wage schedule for first responders and other City employees.
Proposition 4: Police & Fire Equipment and Uniforms
Provides for police and fire personnel uniforms and equipment.
Proposition 5: Pension, Health and Life Insurance
Provides funds for the City’s portion of pensions, employee life insurance and hospitalization plan for City employees.
Proposition 6 - Police Three Platoon System
Providing revenues sufficient to enable the City of Shreveport to continue to provide increased staffing through three 8-hour shifts of police patrol officers.