Reports: Jeffery Epstein Dies From Possible Suicide In Jail
Wealthy and well connected financier Jeffery Epstein has reportedly died in a jail cell in Manhattan. He was 66-years-old.
Epstein was being held on sex trafficking charges, and reportedly attempted suicide last month. He was found in his cell a few weeks ago with marks around his neck that officials say "appeared to be self-inflicted". Authorities say he was on "suicide watch" since that July 23rd incident.
Its been suggested for years that Epstein had consistently engaged in inappropriate behavior with underage girls, and a criminal probe was launched in the late 2000s over those accusations. That Florida criminal probe led to a plea agreement that is now the center of a state investigation.
Epstein's connections and friendships with current US President Donald Trump and former US President Bill Clinton have been referenced multiple times in the media coverage of the case. Including the resignation of the Trump Administration Labor Secretary over his connections to the Florida plea deal for Epstein.
After Epstein's possible suicide attempt in July, there was rampant public speculation that Epstein hadn't attempted to take his own life, but rather had someone attempt to kill him. Those speculations have not been substantiated in any way.
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