Mike Johnson Warns of ‘Atheist Litigation Group’ Infiltration [VIDEO]
Congressman and Constitutional lawyer Mike Johnson talks with 101.7 / 710 KEEL's Robert J Wright and Erin McCarty about the possibility of atheist litigation groups hiring local investigators to "obtain hidden video" of Christian groups, specifically in Bossier Parish.
The parish is has been in settlement negotiations with Americans United for Separation of Church and State, who sued the parish, alleging the school system violated the Constitution’s requirement of separation of church and state. The also claims that the school system allowed principals, teachers and other employees to lead and encourage Christian prayer on campuses.
From Congressman Johnson's Facebook page:
Last night we received very credible information that atheist litigation groups in CA have contacted private investigators in our area to try to hire them to obtain hidden video of Christian student groups and activities at Benton High School and potentially other Bossier Parish schools.
Unfortunately, this is to be expected now that these groups perceive the Bossier Parish School District as an ATM machine for attorney fee awards in what they believe will be easy Establishment Clause lawsuits. They are wrong, as our district is following the law--even as we fight vigorously to defend religious freedom. Sadly, Bossier schools will have to endure this legal harassment from the atheist groups for a while now, so everyone needs to be prepared.
To see the Congressman's complete FB post, JUST CLICK HERE!