July 4th Fireworks & Outdoor Cooking Safety
As we prepare to celebrate Independence Day, the Shreveport Fire Department offers up some fireworks and outdoor cooking tips to help us keep our holiday safe and accident-free.
Fireworks Safety Tips:
- The best way to enjoy fireworks is to visit public fireworks displays put on by professionals who know how to safely handle fireworks.
- Know your fireworks -- read the cautionary labels and performance descriptions before igniting.
- Fireworks should only be used outdoors. Never light fireworks indoors or near dry grass.
- Avoid using homemade fireworks or illegal explosives. They CAN kill you!
- Use fireworks outdoors in a clear area, away from buildings and vehicles.
- Never carry fireworks in your pocket or shoot them into metal or glass containers. Light one firework at a time and quickly move away. Don't light them while they're in your hands, either.
- A responsible adult should supervise all fireworks activities. NEVER give fireworks to children.
- Always have a hose, fire extinguisher or water bucket ready, in case of an emergency.
- Stand several feet away from lit fireworks. If a device does not go off, DO NOT stand over it to investigate -- put it out with water. DO NOT pick it up!
- Alcohol and fireworks do not mix. Save your alcohol for after the show.
- Dispose of spent fireworks by wetting them down and place in a metal trash can away from any buildings or combustible materials.
Outdoor Cooking Safety Tips:
- Keep grills at a safe distance from houses and overhangs.
- Use only properly-labeled starter fluid. NEVER substitute gasoline or kerosene for starter fluid.
- Never grill/barbecue in enclosed areas. Carbon monoxide could be emitted.
- Do not wear loose clothing while cooking on grills.
- Supervise children around outdoor grills.
- Make sure everyone knows to stop, drop and roll in case their clothing catches fire.
- Be ready to extinguish flames. Use baking soda or a fire extinguisher. A bucket of sand or a garden hose should be nearby in case you don't have a fire extinguisher.
- Don't allow anyone to conduct activity near the grill when in use. The grill body remains hot up to an hour after being used.
- Never attempt to move a hot grill. It's easy for you to stumble or drop it and end up with serious burns.
If you want to buy fireworks from local vendors, you can do that in Shreveport beginning at noon June 25, up until 10 p.m. July 5. You CAN NOT shoot off fireworks from 10 p.m. and 8 a.m. each day.
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