Gun Talk’s Gresham Says Nickelson Gun Measure ‘Boneheaded’
Gun Talk host Tom Gresham talks about the gun proposal by Councilman John Nickelson that the Shreveport council will take under consideration.
Shreveport council members will consider the Nickelson gun measure that would prohibit guns being left in unattended cars. The measure would require that guns be locked in the trunk, a locked glove compartment or a lock box that is permanently attached to the vehicle. This bill also calls for a fine of not more than $1,000 dollars for violators. Nickelson says this is one small step to try to keep guns out of the hands of thieves.
"So, you're victimized, a victim of a theft, and then you're going to be fined on top of that?" Gresham asks,, "This is boneheaded!
"This is one of those things where the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Now, I'm sure that this council is not going to pay people to put in these lock boxes. Somebody needs to explain (the the council) that this is not only a bad idea, it's an anti-gun move, it's an anti-Second Amendment move and it penalizes victims. That's nutty! Penalizing the victim is not the right approach."
Police say many of the crimes committed in our community are done by criminals using stolen guns. Nickelson stated via social media that he is getting overwhelming support for his proposal.
He says "As best I can tell from reactions to this post, those supportive of the proposed legislation outnumber those opposed by a margin of about 5 to 1,"