Gun Talk’s Gresham on Biden, Dems: What Gun Owners Can Do
Gun Talk host Tom Gresham says that, even though recent elections gave Democrats - gun control zealot Democrats all but vowing an attack on 2nd Amendment rights, "the sky may not be falling" for gun owners, after all.
"First off - and this may help - this is not unprecedented," Gresham writes on his website,, "I was there in 1968 when Congress passed the Gun Control Act (GCA68) and in 1994 when Congress (lead by Joe Biden) passed the Clinton Gun Ban (so-called Assault Weapon Ban). Perspective - seeing things from a longer viewpoint - helps me not get too excited."
In mounting a defense against the onslaught on 2A, Gresham says the first thing is to stay calm. "I have repeated over many years that I'm about winning," he says, explaining his outlook, "We never win by insisting that those on the other side admit that they are wrong. It's a losing tactic. Another way to lose an argument or discussion is invoking '[whataboutism.' That path depends on making someone feel bad about what they or their side are doing rather than seeing the merits of our position. It always loses."
The Gun Talk host also underlines the importance of gun owners and gun rights advocates working harder, even in the face of increasing odds. "We get off our butts. Easy to say, but harder to do, if experience is an indicator," Gresham says, "I see the folks from the gun-ban industry posting photos of themselves at home, on the phone, working phone trees, calling voters to get them to the polls. They volunteered to work for candidates who supported their positions. They took voters to the polls. In short, they worked."
And Gresham adds that the additional effort will, hopefully, mean victory at the ballot box. "We simply have to win elections and we have to win on important votes in legislatures and in Congress," Gresham continues, "We also must win in the courts, which may well be our best chance of stopping the gun confiscation measures being filed in Washington right now."
Tom Gresham's Gun Talk is hear every Sunday from 1 til 4pm on 101.7 / 710 KEEL and the KEEL app from Office Furniture Source. To read all of Tom's thoughts about the incoming Biden administration, the Democrat Congress and what believers in the 2nd Amendment can do to protect their rights, JUST CLICK HERE!