Gun Talk host Tom Gresham talks about a number of gun control bills, expected to be introduced by the Democrat Congressional majority in the next few weeks.
Tom Gresham says that, even though recent elections gave gun control zealot Democrats control of Washington, "the sky may not be falling" for gun owners, after all.
Tom Gresham talks about the recent debates, the Democrat Party's stance on gun control and how the Biden Administration would attempt to gut the 2nd Amendment.
Tom Gresham talks about the gun rights legislation recently passed by the Louisiana legislature, bills now awaiting the signature of Governor John Bel Edwards.
Gun Talk's Tom Gresham talks about constitutional carry and a comments by Rep. Danny McCormick that Louisiana's concealed carry laws are just a form of taxation.
Tom Gresham, host of Gun Talk Radio, heard Sundays from 1 til 4, talks about a number of proposed gun restrictions proposed by the Governor of Virginia.