Alan Seabaugh: ‘Nothing’s Going To Close. We Have Enough Money’ [VIDEO]
State Representative Alan Seabaugh talks with 101.7 / 710 KEEL's Robert J Wright and Erin McCarty about the end of the special legislative session and the House of Representatives' saying no to the Governor's call to increase taxes.
Seabaugh tells KEEL listeners that Commissioner of Administration Jay Dardenne's saying that the House had failed to compromise is not true: "He kept referring to the compromise bill. But here's where we really were. The Governor wanted $650 million. The Republicans wanted to give him zero. He keeps referring to the $650 million as the compromise.That wasn't the compromise. That was the governor's 'my way or the highway' bill." The Shreveport legislators adds that House Republicans offered the Governor a compromise of a $400 million tax increase. "Now, I voted against it," he says, "But it was a predominantly pushed by Republicans bill. That was the compromise." Seabaugh adds that the Governor threatened veto that offer and that it was $650 million or nothing. So, he got nothing."