When Can You Trick or Treat in Shreveport Bossier?
Youngsters all across the area will be hitting the pavement Tuesday night for Halloween.
Typically trick or treating begins at about 5 or 5:30pm and wraps up at 8pm.
This is not a hard and fast rule, just a suggestion. Local police agencies have put out a caution for motorists to watch out for the ghosts, princesses and super heroes.
Often children get very excited and they might dart across a street without checking for traffic.
Bossier Police encourage parents to take advantage of organized, supervised Halloween events for their children and asks them to end door-to-door trick or treating by 8 p.m. as a courtesy to residents.
Shreveport Police don't have a set time for ending the door to door soliciting, but if it's past 8pm, you should try to wrap it up.
More advice from police:
1. Be sure your youngster wears something reflective that can be seen at night.
2. Parents should accompany children (especially young ones).
3. Check out the candy before you let children eat it.
4. Have a flashlight with fresh batteries for all children and their escorts.
5. If your older children are going alone, plan and review the route that is acceptable to you.
6. Only go to homes with a porch light on and never enter a home or car for a treat.
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