What’s Being Taught to Your Children in Louisiana Schools?

There is a recent FoxNews story about a Maryland school district that just introduced a new reading list for students introducing them to words like "intersex" and "drag queen." You might think this is a college system, or maybe even high-school. But you'd be wrong.
This new reading list is for students in PreK-5th grade. 4 year olds... being taught how to twerk by men dressed up as women. Watch Tucker Carlson's monologue from Monday night to see video of a drag queen story time to very small, very impressionable children.
In fact, the Montgomery County Public Schools prepared an entire Powerpoint presentation outlining the books, including titles like "Pride Puppy," which is aimed at preschoolers to teach them terms like "cisgender," "intersex," and "drag queen." One of the slides instructed teachers to "use 5 of the books by the end of December."
The presentation was part of a larger conference for MPSC staff entitled "Building Community with LGBTQ+ Affirming Picture Books," where staff were also provided a resource guide about defining LGBTQ+ words for elementary students, which includes vocabulary like "cisgender," "gender binary," "transgender," "pansexual" and "queer." Remember, this is geared toward PreK-5th grade students. Why are they trying so hard to indoctrinate CHILDREN?
What's being Taught in Your Child's School?
If you're thinking, "well, this could never happen in Shreveport Bossier," don't forget about the books found back in April on the Bossier Parish online reading program Epic, that promoted same sex relationships under the banner "Read With Pride." When these were brought to the attention of Bossier Parish officials, they were unaware of the title's availabilty, and removed them from access.
It's vital that parents take an active role in what is being taught and promoted in their child's school. It is not the job of any school system to take it upon themselves to indoctrinate young children about any type of sexuality. It is the parents' responsibility, and right, to be able to teach their own children about sexuality when the parent feels the child is at an appropriate age.
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