KEEL News has been communicating with the first person diagnosed with Coronavirus in Caddo Parish. He wants to remain anonymous but he can offer some help in understanding what happened in his case and he has some tips on things you should watch out for.

First, I asked how he's feeling. He says: "Great! Breathing normal, no fever, oxygen/blood level normal. Just bored. But thankful"
I asked him for 3 points he would want to get across to you:

1. This is a virus just like flu and others
2. If someone has a fever during this time, they should not be in a hurry to get back out. The 24 hour rule does not apply.
3. There are no mass tests available to check for the Coronavirus. It took them 34 hours to get my test results back. So until they have a reliable mass test like the flu test available, it will be challenging.

He reminds you it took 3 doctor visits, 1 emergency room visit and then more than 30 hours to get his test back after a CAT Scan indicated possible signs of Coronavirus.

What's next for this patient?

"I go in this week and get two Coronavirus tests completed. When the first is returned negative, then another is taken 24 hours later. If that also comes back negative, it's party time!"

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