Top 10 Products Made in Louisiana
If you like to cook a good Louisiana meal, you probably already have all of these items in your pantry or spice rack. But if you want to try to make some delicious Louisiana specialties, you might want to make a run to a local grocery story and stock up.
Louisiana is known for our rich blends of spices and tasty dishes, but many of our favorites do require products that might be hard to find in other parts of the country.
If you love to order crawfish etouffee out at a local restaurant, you might want to know it's really easy to make if you pick up the mix that is made right here in the Bayou State. I even used one of these mixes to make a crazy new dish I like to call a Crawfish EtouBeignet. It's crawfish etouffee cooked inside a Louisiana beignet and it really is divine, but if you try this inventive recipe, leave off the powdered sugar. It's really better without it.
Another thing you might want to know is you can put together a great Louisiana gift basket by just combining a few of these items and sending it to a friend. They will love getting such a treat from their friends in the Bayou State.
What are your favorite Louisiana made products? Did your item make our list?