Shreveport Councilman John Nickleson is still asking questions about the city's insurance coverage and he has also proposed tighter restrictions on the Mayor.

Nickleson has proposed an ordinance requiring city council approval before the Mayor can execute any contract valued at $100,000 or more. His idea has met with some resistance from a few fellow members, including Willie Bradford who says "there are some very real anxieties about how the city is being governed, but this goes a little too far."

Mayor Perkins also thinks this goes to far and doesn't think the move is even legal.

I know I am tasked with the responsibility of running this city.  I'm not sure how much this would encumber us from doing our job, but I do know it would be debilitating.

Councilman James Flurry is proposing a substitute motion which would raise the limit to $500,000 and put a 3 year window on the contract.


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