How Much Are Back to School Supplies in Louisiana?
SHREVEPORT, LA - School starts in Shreveport and Bossier in just over a week and parents have been busy gathering up all the needed school supplies. Stores have been packed with folks grabbing up all the needed items.

READ MORE: Here are the start dates for area schools.
What's on a Typical Supply List These Days?
School supply lists have changed over the years, but you will still find the usual items. On the A.C. Steere list for 1st graders you will need:
- 4 boxes Crayola Crayons (24 count)
- 1 box Crayola Washable Markers (wide-10 count)
- 3 pkg Ticonderoga Pencils (pre-sharpened)
- 4 large pink erasers or pencil top erasers
- 2 large boxes of Kleenex
- 4 Elmer’s glue sticks (large)
- 2 marble composition notebooks (wide-ruled)
- 1 pair Fiskars blunt scissors
- 2 pkgs EXPO dry erase markers (black)
- 1 pkg loose leaf paper wide-ruled
- 1 spiral notebook (wide-ruled)
- 3 plastic pocket folders (1 green, 1 purple, 1 yellow)
- 1 large zipper fabric pencil pouch
- 1 pair OVER THE EAR headphones- NO BLUETOOTH (We use these everyday!)
- Backpack
There are also some items that all students use that are required. Girls are instructed to bring Quart Size Ziplock bags while boys bring Gallon Size Ziplock bags.
An optional item is Clorox wipes and paper towels.
School Supplies from 2000:
An elementary school supply list from 2000 has many of the same items, but I also found red block erasers on the list and a school box (like a cigar box)
School Supplies from 1980:
The school supply list from the 80's included many items we don't use any more. I found Rubber Cement, Floppy Disks, erasable pens, a metal compass, liquid paper and multicolor retractable pens. Some youngsters also had to bring Elmer's glue.
How Much Do We Spend on Back to School?
Spending this year is expected to average $874.68. The National Retail Federation says this includes clothing, shoes, electronics and school supplies. In 2023, back to school spending topped the $890 mark, a record high. But for school supplies alone, we will spend just over $140 dollars this year.
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