Michael Carter Loses Battle Against Police Chief
Yesterday's 3 hour long special meeting of the Police and Fire Civil Service Board was contentious, to say the least. Sgt. Michael Carter requested the board stop Chief Ben Raymond's move to transfer him to SPD's HR department and to remove Raymond as Chief of Police. Carter contended that Raymond was abusing his power and that his rights and the rights of every policeman were under attack by the Chief.
However, the Board didn't see things Carter's way. In a 6-2 vote, the Board ruled in favor of Chief Raymond. Raymond contended during the marathon session that he was only trying to place Carter, who is highly educated and well versed in Human Resources, in a place where he could do the most good for the Department and Citizens of Shreveport. Raymond said at no point did he want Carter to step down from the Civil Service Board or was his decision to harm the integrity of the Board. Raymond even went on the record as saying that when he was interviewing for the Chief of Police job, he told then Mayor Ollie Tyler that Carter should be moved to HR because of his education and experience.
Carter argued, very passionately, that a move to the HR Department would compromise his integrity and his position as Chairman of the Civil Service Board. Carter also claimed that SPD and the City of Shreveport have a track record of trying to keep him quiet and have made many attempts to remove him from positions of power.
However, when it was all said and done, both of Carter's requests were denied and his transfer will go through in the few days. Carter stated that he will appeal the Board's decision and even has threatened to sue.