Latest List: States with the Fewest Coronavirus Restrictions
While Louisiana recently moved into the somewhat confusing Phase III rules, many states across the USA continue to reopen, and others have paused or reversed course due to surges in COVID-19. With so much new data available, the personal-finance website WalletHub has released updated rankings for the States with the Fewest Coronavirus Restrictions.
To identify which states have the fewest coronavirus restrictions, WalletHub compared the 50 states and the District of Columbia across 17 key metrics. The data studied ranges from state with penalties for non-compliance to COVID 19 mandates, to various state health requirements, including face masks and health checks at restaurants and other businesses.
Louisiana, meanwhile, struggles with the recent shift from Governor John Bel Edwards move from Phase II to Phase III restrictions. Under the supposedly more liberal Phase III, liquor sales are now banned after 10pm at all establishments across the state and restaurants must have completely cleared their premises by 11, two rules that didn't exist under the stricter Phase II rules.
But, despite the many complaints of its citizens and with many of the major cities still in economic freefall, Louisiana ranked in the top half of states with the fewest Coronavirus restrictions, coming in at 22.
WalletHub's States with the Fewest Coronavirus Restrictions:
1) South Dakota
2) Utah
3) Oklahoma
4) Iowa
5) Wyoming
WalletHub's States with the Tightest Coronavirus Restrictions:
1) Hawaii
2) California
3) Virginia
4) Massachusetts
5) Arizona
To find out more and to get complete details about Louisiana's and other state's COVID 19 restrictions, JUST CLICK HERE!