I’m Trying Something New to Beat COVID-19 Blues
While I am hunkered down at home over the next few weeks, I want to try a few new things. I've already been enjoying live streams of opera's from The Met. I watched Carmen on Monday night and La Boheme is on my list of things to do tonight.
But you can only watch so much tv, before you want to pull your hair out. So I'm planning to try to grow a few vegetables this spring. I've been reading the LSU Ag Center's planting guide to get a few tips and some guidelines on what I should be planting and when.
I really don't know if I have a green thumb or not. I've only grown a few plants over the years, nothing spectacular. And I only have a small space to put in a handful of plants. I would rather grow things in pots, but I can do the whole soil thing if I need to. Really haven't decided which route to take yet.
One thing I really want to grow is tomatoes. I'm planning to go by one of the local nurseries and pick up a few different varieties. The guide says I should be planting the seeds for tomatoes now. So I need to get hopping. My worry is that we typically have one more freeze before Easter.
The other plant I want to try is bell pepper. The guide says I can put these in the ground between now and May 15th. So I have plenty of time for this one.
Wish me luck and lets hope I can keep the squirrels and other varmints away.
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