Here’s the Latest Health Inspection at Ichiban Restaurant

Unless you've been under a rock or out of the country, you've probably seen the video shot by a former worker at Ichiban restaurant on Youree Drive. It shows bugs crawling around inside the business and dirty conditions.
KEEL News has obtained the latest health inspection at the restaurant and it's not good news for the business.
The restaurant at 4414 Youree Drive was inspected on December 23rd and several serious violations were noted.
This inspection came at 11:30 in the morning just before the lunch rush.
The report shows 2 incidents of cross contamination:
- "Raw animal food is not separated from ready to eat food, or is placed, stored or displayed above ready to eat food. Raw shell eggs stored over RTE soy beans. Cooler rearranged."
- "Raw unprepared vegetables are not separated from ready to eat potentially hazardous foods. Boxes of unprepared vegetables stored above prepped vegetables."
- This inspection also found a violation for toxic chemicals.
- "Chemicals are stored with/above food, equipment, utensils, linens, single-service or single use articles. Cleaning supplies throughout kitchen stored with food service items and single service items."
And the worst offense in this report deals with bugs and rodents.
- "Rodents are present in the establishment. What appears to be rodent droppings in rice storage area."
Here are some of the other violations listed on the report:
Bulk containers are not properly labeled.
Food scoop is constructed without a handle in bulk bin
Clean equipment/utensils are not stored at least six (6) inches off the floor.
Floor is not maintained in good repair.
Walls/ceilings or attached equipment are not in good repair.
Walls/ceilings or attached equipment are not clean.
We do want to point out that the owners have hired an exterminating company to take care of the problem with bugs.
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