Has the IRS Used Government Credit Cards for Pornography and Wine?
A new government watchdog report has found even more inappropriate behavior by employees of the IRS. The report claims that government credit cards were used to purchase online pornography and 28 bottles of wine at the 2010 luncheon for tax officials from other countries.
Fox News reports that between 2010 and 2011, more than 5,000 IRS card accounts were used for $103 million in purchases according to the report from the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration.
J. Russell George, the Treasury Department's inspector general said the audit identified some troubling instances of inappropriate usage.
Other findings in the report were cards being used to pay for a dinners costing $140 per person and for lunches costing $100 per person, this is four to five times the amount allowed by federal rules. One of the cardholders made personal purchases totaling $2,655 for items including diet pills and then tried to justify it with false receipts.
The IRS has also been flagged for inappropriate screening of conservative groups that were seeking tax-exempt status.