Expect to See More Boaters on the Water in 2021
Not only are there more drivers on the road for Memorial Day this year, but according to a Sea Tow Services survey, 52-percent of the boaters say they plan to spend more time on the water this year compared to 2020. Sea Tow President Kristen Frohnhoefer said expect waterways to be crowded.
“There are more boaters out there not only just because it’s a holiday weekend, as long as the weather cooperates, they’re out there, but also just because there are so many new entrants in boating. The pandemic turned a lot of people to boating as a great escape and they’ve stuck with it,” said Frohnhoefer.
With a record number of new boat sales and an influx of new boaters, Sea Tow said new navigators are 142-percent more likely to need ungrounding services. Frohnhoefer said if you are a neophyte to boating, get properly trained before you leave the dock.
“Take a course so you understand you understand the boating basics so that you don’t run aground so that you know how to read the buoys and where you’re going and read markers and so you’re a better boater and a more courteous boater,” said Frohnhoefer.
Frohnhoefer said their Sea Tow affiliates in Louisiana have experienced a large increase of ungrounding calls due to the record low tides. She said another hazard, due to the recent floods, is more debris in the water. She recommends assigning someone to serve as a lookout when cruising.
“There might be logs, there could be other debris that’s washed in and that can be a hazard to boaters. So, everyone in Louisiana should be very careful and have that extra lookout to look for debris in the water,” said Frohnhoefer.
She also recommends checking that you are properly fueled before you leave the dock as well.