Louis R. Avallone and Steve Parr from American Ground Radio talk about the potential scenarios that Democrats may use in November to throw the Presidential election - and America - into chaos.

With the election less than seventy five days away, Democrat party leaders are already accusing President Trump of planning to suppress the vote and

"I say all the time," Parr begins, "The Democrat Party is the party of projection, what they accuse you of doing, they are already doing." Parr then cites the 2016 example of Hillary Clinton saying Trump would refuse to concede if defeated, but then delaying her own concession. "They are now saying, even more vociferously than they did in '16, '(Trump) won't leave! We'll have to get the military to pull him out of there if he loses!' Well, that just tells you that they're actually gearing up for a bigger refusal to acknowledge the legitimacy of this election."

And Avallone continues the thought. "It's important to recognize the premise upon which they're going to deny that a Trump election represents the legitimate will of the people, "he says, "It's because Donald Trump suppressed the vote. That's going to be the allegation. (Democrats) will say he denied access to ballot by mail. But if you look at Census Bureau data from 2018, African-American votes, Latino votes are at an all time high. It's all based on a false narrative."


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