Caddo Parish’s 1st Coronavirus Patient Tells His Story
59-year-old David Langston is all better now and he is actually helping others. Langston fell ill after traveling through the Atlanta Airport in late February.
He went to Quick Care several times and eventually went to the ER at Christus Highland where a CAT scan showed he has serious lung issues.
The doctor ordered a Coronavirus test and it came back positive.
Langston was put in isolation and treated. After he showed some improvement, he was sent home where he was ordered to self quarantine for 14 days. He strictly followed those orders and steadily improved. But Langston does believe he infected 3 people, two friends and his wife. All have recovered now.
The best part of this story is that Langston has been able to donate his plasma to use for patients who are battling the virus. So far, his plasma has been used to help the husband of Dr. Martha Whyte who is battling the virus. He talks about that process.
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