Willis Knighton Hires Crisis Management Pro During Upheaval
News broke yesterday that the Doctors of the Willis Knighton Medical Executive Committee have issued a letter of "No Confidence" directed at CEO James Elrod.
Multiple outlets published copies of the letter, and transcripts were shared all across social media. The responses came in from far and wide, from those who claim to have intimate knowledge of the situation, to those simply speculating on social media, but one of the biggest voices emerging in this story is John Kyte.
Kyte has issued statements on behalf of Willis Knighton all week, and has been monitoring media coverage and contacting reporters on their coverage of the story. Essentially, Kyte has become the voice of Willis Knighton.
The online profile on Kyte describes him as a "Crisis Management Professional", and he has stated that he was brought into the Willis Knighton camp last week. Which is roughly the time-frame that Willis Knighton announced their latest round of firings.
There's been no official word from Willis Knighton on why they felt the need to bring on a Crisis Management Professional.