Why are American Kids Killing Us and Each Other? [VIDEO]
101.7 / 710 KEEL's Robert J Wright and Erin McCarty discuss the analysis (good and bad) of the most recent mass shootings and what they have in common with, not only gun violence in our own town, but especially in major cities across America.
RJW cites a recent essay from author, speaker and Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias, who opines that the disaffected mass killers in El Paso and Dayton and inner city youth who seem to place so little value on human life have something in common:
"The German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, one of the most vociferous atheists of his time, warned us in the late nineteenth century of the danger that lay ahead because “God had died at the hands of the philosophers.” In the twentieth century, more blood was shed than in the previous nineteen put together. Nietzsche warned that the “madman” had arrived, but it would take time for us to see what that meant. That time has now come. The power of the individual to kill with words or weapons is used to expose the hate that we nurture in our godless times. We took the Bible out of schools. We took prayer out of schools. We punish people who mention God in public graduations. We mock the name of Christ with profane delight. We have lost all definitions for everything and sound pathetic while trying to give answers for the cruelty of our time. It is easier today to preach the gospel in once hostile countries than it is in America, which has now celebrated the absence of God."
To read the entire Zacharias essay and his thoughts on America's growing godlessness. JUST CLICK HERE!
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