Where Are the Shreveport Police Substations Going to be Built?
SHREVEPORT, LA- Shreveport Police substations are on the fast-track. In 2021, a $70M bond issue passed to fund public safety projects. Three Police substations were part of that package. Mayor Tom Arceneaux says the city is currently putting together the cost projections and will move on the first two locations and see how much of the money is left to be able to get started on the third substation.
The plan is for Shreveport to build three substations located at various strategic points across the city, one in the north part of town, one in the south, and one in the west. Currently two locations have been announced by the Shreveport Police.
North Shreveport
The north Shreveport substation will be at the location of the old Moran Galvanizing plant, a 2.5 acre tract on North Market near N. Hearne Ave. The land was donated to the city by the North Shreveport Business Association.
In addition to the police substation, the north Shreveport location will also be a satellite location for Northwest Family Justice Center. The center provides support services and resources for victims of domestic violence. Services that will be available at the substation include:
- Intake & Advocacy
- Protective Order Assistance
- Safety Planning
- Transportation to Safehouse
- Counseling Service Resources/Referral
- Community Resources/Referrals
- Law Enforcement Assistance
If you would like more information about the Northwest Family Justice Center, please visit our website at www.nwlafamilyjusticecenter.org.
West Shreveport
The second location will be on the west side of town off of Monkhouse Drive, at the former Foremost plant site, north of I-20 near Hollywood Ave.
Shreveport Mayor Tom Arceneaux told KEEL News on Wednesday, the Monkhouse location will "not only house the sub-station, but will also house some other police functions. The plan is to decentralize some of the patrol and other functions... patrol, traffic, and other functions to have a more visible police force out in areas, particularly in the Monkouse area, where we've had some difficulties recently."
South Shreveport Location?
When asked about a timeline on when the substations will be up and running, Mayor Arceneaux said, "Which of those will actually get done first is important. And you know the people voted for three... and the estimate in that bond issue was a million and a half each, so the first thing we'll have to determine is will we have enough money in that bond issue to do three. We certainly want to get to these two as quickly as we can. We haven't determined a location for the third one."
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