What’s On Your Louisiana Ballot: 2018 Amendment 3
We are getting very close to this November's elections. Voting day is Tuesday November 6th, and early voting has already begun.
Since we're so close, we thought it would be a great chance to further explore some of what you'll see on this year's ballot. There are 6 proposed Constitutional Amendments in Louisiana this year.
The first one, Act 717 (or Proposition 3) is about allowing felons to seek office. Here's the text you'll see on your ballot:
“Do you support an amendment to permit, pursuant to written agreement, the donation of the use of public equipment and personnel by a political subdivision upon request to another political subdivision for an activity or function which the requesting political subdivision is authorized to exercise?”
So what does that mean? Here's the full text from the proposal:
Present Constitution prohibits the funds, credit, property, or things of value of the state or of any political subdivision from being loaned, pledged, or donated, except as otherwise provided by this constitution.
Proposed Constitutional Amendment retains present constitution and adds an exception that allows, pursuant to a written agreement, the donation of the use of public equipment and personnel by a political subdivision upon request to another political subdivision for an activity or function the requesting political subdivision is authorized to exercise.
So what does all of that mean for you?
A vote YES on this Amendment would be in favor of the state being able to lend, pledge, or donate funds, credit, or property to municipalities or parishes. The act is currently banned by the state Constitution.
A vote NO on this Amendment means no change to current law.