Voice Your Opinion About High School Sports
High school football is expected to get started next month, but many are concerned about how that will happen. Will fans be allowed and how are the athletes being protected?
Members of the House Education Committee chaired by Representative Ray Garofalo, will meet this Friday at 9:00 a.m. The panel will hear information from State Superintendent Dr. Cade Brumley, Health Secretary Dr. Courtney Phillips, BESE President Sandy Holloway, State Fire Marshall Butch Browning and LHSAA Director Eddie Bonine.
The panel will listen to all of the issues relative to high school athletic activities during the 2020-2021 school year. If you would like to give testimony before this committee, but do not feel comfortable showing up in person, you can submit a prepared statement. The committee records will show receipt of your comments which will be distributed to committee members.
Email your comments to h-educ@legis.la.gov. You should get your comments in by tomorrow (Thursday) at noon.