If you've spent any amount of time outdoors lately, you've probably seen tons and tons of spiderwebs. Those suckers just seem to be everywhere. Which makes sense. Louisiana has dozens of different species of spiders. And, for the most part, they are relatively harmless. However, there are a few that are highly venomous and potentially deadly.

You're never going to be able to completely avoid spiders, but there are some things you can do to keep yourself safe.

How Many Venomous Spiders Call Louisiana Home?

There are roughly 19 species of common spiders that are venomous and pose a health risk if bit to humans. However, only 4 of the 19 can cause serious harm. The others, while venomous, aren't potent enough to cause serious health issues.

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The 4 Most Dangerous Spiders in Louisiana

These spiders are the most 'dangerous' in the state. These are the ones loaded with neurotoxic venom that they inject into whatever they bite. They are not only deadly to their prey but humans as well. These bites can cause severe pain, necrosis and even death.

READ MOREBEWARE: Venomous Snakes To Avoid in Louisiana

Black Widow

While all black widow spiders can be harmful, the females are the ones that are most dangerous as they have twice the venom of males. While they have a reputation for being deadly, their bites rarely cause death - in fact the last reported death in the US was back in 1983. However, their bites are extremely painful and for those not in the greatest of health (the young, the elderly, those with serious medical conditions, etc.), a black widow bite can cause some serious health threats and could be potentially deadly. The black widow spider gets its name from its shiny black abdomen and red hourglass marking on its belly

Brown Widow

Much like the Black Widow Spider, the reputation of the Brown Widow is worse than the reality. Their bites aren't considered particularly lethal or dangerous long-term, however they are extremely painful. The main reason - they don't deliver as much venom per bite as the black widow. The brown widow spider can be identified by its yellowish hourglass marking on the underside of its abdomen.

Brown Recluse

The Brown Recluse is one of the 3 most dangerous spiders in the US - joined by the Black Widow and Chilean Recluse. More often than not, if you get bit by a brown recluse, you will need immediate medical attention. The venom these bad boys produce can cause necrosis - meaning the skin around the bite are dies. Also, their venom is pretty can spread through out the body quickly - in mere minutes. The bite can cause nausea, vomiting, fever, rashes, aches & pains and blood clots. However, the Brown Recluse isn't aggressive at all and most bites occur while someone is getting dress (putting on shirts, clothes, etc.) The brown recluse, also known as the violin or fiddle-back spider, also gets its name from its color and markings. It is known for its violin-shaped marking on the top of its head and midsection

Black-Footed Yellow Sac Spider

Probably of all the spiders on this list, this is probably the least deadly or dangerous. Yes, they are venomous. Yes, they do bite humans sometimes. But, the type of venom they have isn't deadly and doesn't generally cause long-term issues. For the most part, the bite is just painful and causing itching in the area of the bite for 7-10 days. In some rare cases, symptoms can spread beyond the bite area or last longer, but nothing that's potentially life-threatening. It's closer to a bee sting than a brown recluse bite. The black-footed yellow sac spider is cream-colored to yellowish-green in color and can be identified by the orange-brown stripe on the top of the abdomen.

What To Do If You Get a Spider Bite in Louisiana?

If you spend enough time in Louisiana, chances are, you're going to get bit. It's just bound to happen. Generally speaking, even when getting bit by one of the 'dangerous' spiders above, the bite doesn't fully penetrate the skin - so symptoms are generally mild, if you notice them at all.

According to KidsHealth.Org, here's some things to keep an eye out for regarding various spider bites:
Of a brown recluse spider bite:
swelling or redness around the bite
pain around the bite within 2 to 8 hours
blisters around the bite
rarely, chills, fever, nausea, rash, body aches, and dark urine (pee)
some bites can become dark in the center

Of a black widow spider bite:
either no visible bite or very mild pain at the bite
painful muscle cramps starting a few hours after the bite
a firm and painful belly
nausea and vomiting
shakiness and weakness
rarely, trouble breathing

Of an allergic reaction:
swelling of the face or mouth
trouble swallowing or speaking
chest tightness, wheezing, or trouble breathing

If you experience any of the milder symptoms, you should wash the bite area with soap & water and put ice on it to relieve pain and swelling. If any extreme swelling or redness occurs, go to the doctor. Same if you experience extreme pain, cramping, a rash develops or the area looks infected.

Experts also say that if you believe you got bit by a brown recluse or a black widow, it's best if you go see a doctor immediately to avoid any potential serious health issues. As the old saying goes - better safe than sorry.

13 Plants & Herbs to Chase Away All Types of Insects

Want to keep the bugs out of your garden and stop the insects from taking a bite out of your backyard fun? Try these 13 plants and herbs to chase them all away.

Gallery Credit: Credit - Polly McAdams

Insects That Are Beneficial Found in Louisiana

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Gallery Credit: Billy Jenkins

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