Unique Louisiana Foods You Won’t Find on the Menu in Other States
I remember years ago we were traveling to a college swim meet in Ohio, and we were told we "had to go to" a place called Skyline Chili. This was sold to us as the end-all of places to go. It's basically spaghetti with chili over it... and a lot of shredded cheese. Now don't get me wrong, there was nothing wrong with it, it was pretty good... but I didn't understand what the big deal was about it.
I have to think that might be what people think sometimes when we talk about some of the things that we eat in Louisiana that people elsewhere just don't get. I'm sure you can probably think of others, but here are 5 that we came up with.
Gator has to be the quintessintial "tastes like chicken" food. In Louisiana, most people eat the meat from the tail, but in Florida, the ribs are also very popular. (Ok, so ONE other state might get it!)
Now, I have to admit, this is not one that I particularly would want on my table. But according to a story on Fox News:
It took lauded continental chef Phillippe Parola to bring nutria to the table for the rest of the country. The man largely responsible for making alligator an acceptable treat and a former commandeur des Cordons Bleus in Paris, Parola is a spokesman for the Wildlife & Fisheries Bureau and Louisiana's unofficial "ambassador of cuisine." After a test trial in his own kitchen, Parola declared the nutria tasty and persuaded 10 top Louisiana restaurants to put it on the menu.
Boudin is one I don't understand why others haven't caught on yet. Boudin is awesome! Boudin is a sausage made from pork meat and rice with various vegetables, and a lot of spices, all cooked in a natural pork casing. Yes, please!
Cracklins are usually associated with Boudin, but it is a totally separate culinary delight all on it's own. In case you aren't familiar, cracklins are pieces of fried pork fat with a little meat to it and skin still attached. What's not to love?
And of course, the granddaddy of all Louisiana delicacies... crawfish. And I don't mean those soft, mealy crustaceans you find on some chinese buffets... but genuine, fresh Louisiana crawfish. You can find crawfish in many different styles and recipes, like crawfish bisque, crawfish ettouffee, crawfish fettucine, and crawfish bread. I've even seen crawfish wontons. But the most popular way here in Louisiana, is the good ol' crawfish boil. Some people think the hotter they are, the better they are, but I like them spicy, but not enough to make your eyes water or your nose run.
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