Toledo Bend Bass Tourney Worth $20,000 to Winners
Only a handful of people would ever say they wouldn't enjoy a great day of fishing on one of America's greatest bass lakes.
And even fewer people would say that they wouldn't enjoy helping an incredible organization like Children's Miracle Network. That's why everyone should make plans to fish in the Despino Tire "Fishing For a Cause" Bass Tournament to benefit Children's Miracle Network!
Slated for Saturday, April 14, 2018, this could be your biggest payday of the year as the winners will pocket $20,000. Heck, 2nd place gets $5,000 and 3rd receives $3,500.(based on at least 200 teams participating)
Contestants can launch anywhere on Toledo Bend, but weigh in will be held at San Miguel Park and at least one member of each team MUST attend the mandatory registration between 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm on Friday, April 13 at San Miguel Park.
Entry fee is $250 per team and there's an additional optional $10 big bass pot.
Entry forms are available at all Despino Tire and Jim's South Tire locations. For more information call call 318.445.4561 or 318.447.0102.
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