Shreveport Farmer’s Market Returns This June

One of the favorite things my wife and I both enjoy on Saturdays is to head to Festival Plaza and have breakfast at the Shreveport Farmer's Market. And we'll be able to do that again soon! They're returning in June for their 36th season. The Farmer's Market features over 70 booths offering local and homemade fruits, vegetables, meats, herbs and plants, most grown in or near our local area. But in addition to the fresh foods available, they also feature local crafts, art and jewelry. You'll also find booths cooking up fresh items for breakfast or lunch. And there's usually some sort of live entertainment setup to enjoy whilst you peruse the vendors.
When you shop the Shreveport Farmer's Market, you'll not only find delicious, fresh foods, but you're supporting local farmers. Most of the farmers come from within a 100 mile radius of Shreveport Bossier.
The Farmer's Market opens Saturday June 4th, 7:30A-12:30P The market will run from June 4th through August 27th.