Shreveport’s $400 Million Wish List – Where Will the Money Go?
SHREVEPORT, LA - The Shreveport Capital Improvements Committee has been holding meetings to find out the critical infrastructure needs. They are working to put a bond proposal together to send to voters in the spring. But the work of this committee has to be tweaked by the administration and the city council before it is placed on the ballot.
The master list of projects is now complete and the committee will be combing through that list to see if any of the items should be pared back or removed. The panel will be taking a bus tour of the city to see some of the areas that need work.
KEEL News has obtained a copy of the master list of projects which totals more than $392 million. $140 million of that is for water and sewer repairs.
Check out the items on the wish list for each department:
Police and Fire Academy Renovations $15,000,000
The Police and Fire Academy dates to the 1970s and is in great need of renovation and expansion if it is to serve the needs of the next generation of recruits. The classrooms are essentially untouched since the building was constructed. The physical fitness area is too small. The bathrooms are inadequate to serve the facility’s needs. This project will be reviewed by local architects to provide a second opinion as to the greatest need
Police Substations 5,000,000
Voters in 2021 approved $4.5 million in bonds, which was to have funded the construction of three Police substations. Sites for two of these have been obtained (on North Market and on Foremost Drive, near Regional Airport). There is no current site for the third substation, although it is likely to be located in Southeast Shreveport in or near Line Avenue. It seems very likely that the amount approved in 2021 is not going to be enough to complete even the first two substations. This request would assure that all three substations to be built. The substations are part of the Police Chief’s plan to decentralize Patrol officers, which makes the proposed Police HQ building need to accommodate a smaller staff.
Fire Station Renovations 3,000,000
This project would make major repairs and upgrades to Stations 5 (East Stoner), 6 (David Raines), 7 (Wilkinson Street) and 19 (Ellerbe Road). Full-service generators for the stations would be part of the project. Other stations would be added if funds allowed.
New Fire Stations (Youree Drive, East 70th, Hollywood) 11,000,000
This project replaces FS #16 (on Hollywood Avenue near Regional Airport), FS #11 (on Youree Drive in Broadmoor) and FS # 3 (on East 70th near Fern). All of these stations are too small to accommodate today’s fire equipment. The Hollywood Avenue station can be constructed on City-owned land next to the current site. The East 70th one has land next to it that is available for purchase. A decision will have to be made on where to locate the Youree Drive one, although Fire has expressed a desire to stay in the same area. This supplements $500,000 left over from the 2021 bond issue.
SUBTOTAL $34,000,000
Amiss WTP Cross Lake Intake Structure $ 6,000,000
Amiss WTP Transmission Main Rehab 4,000,000
Amiss WTP Hi/Lo Building 6,000,000
Amiss WTP Valve Replacement 4,000,000
These four projects are vital to the continued reliability of our water supply and treatment process. It replaces the 60 year-old raw water intake on Cross Lake and the two main transmission mains that leave the Amiss Plant. It also replaces several dozen valves within the Amiss Plant that are critical to isolating pumps and equipment for maintenance and rehabs the historic Hi/Lo building, which houses pumps and process equipment.
Two Elevated Storage Tanks up to 20,000,000
Water pressure and dependability is a major concern in a large area of District D. Constructing two (or even one) elevated storage tanks will help the City maintain adequate water pressure in those areas and will store treated water to meet needs temporarily if there are problems with upstream mains or at the treatment plant.
Citywide Lift Station Improvements (20) up to $21,000,000
A sewer lift station operates in a harsh environment that is detrimental to pumps and piping. Water and Sewer has identified as many as 20 lift stations that need major overhauls. Although all of the stations need work, even some money would help lessen the maintenance burden and improve system reliability.
Querbes Lift Station Upgrades 12,000,000
This major pumping station near the Querbes Golf Course and the sewer mains that feed it are the source of about 20% of the wet-weather overflows in the City’s sewer system. The station’s proximity to Bayou Pierre and its tributaries complicates matters. This project would upgrade the station and its surrounding gravity sewers to handle more flow in wet weather conditions.
Lift Station Generators up to 10,000,000
Lift stations cannot be without power for very long or serious operational problems occur. This project, if fully funded, would install emergency backup generators at the five largest lift stations (Cedar Grove, Wallace, Lucas Outfall, Querbes and Stoner).
Broadmoor Sewer Lines Under Homes 7,000,000
About 200 customers in the Broadmoor area are affected by the fact that their homes were installed over or adjacent to existing sewer main and service laterals. Those lines are difficult for the City to access and maintain. This project installs new sewer lines and provides accessible service connections. It mostly affects homes on Ockley Drive and Anniston, Albany and Atlantic Avenues and Albert Street.
Southern Hills Interceptor replacement 25,000,000
This 1980s group of sewer mains is a constant maintenance headache (multiple sinkholes and overflows) and the source of a great deal of wet-weather overflows. It is actually five miles of three connected 40” mains. The work would be done near the intersection of Kingston Road and Williamson Way and northeast toward Flournoy-Lucas Road and Bert Kouns.
Stoner Force Main replacement 25,000,000
This 1980s main runs along the Fant Parkway south of Stoner Avenue and then along 70th Street and East Kings Highway on the way to the Lucas treatment plant. The portion along the Parkway has been replaced, but the southern portion of the force main (about four miles) needs to be replaced with a different kind of pipe that will withstand the harsh conditions under which it operates.
SUBTOTAL $140,000,000
Swimming Pool Replacement (David Raines, Airport, So. Hills) $ 4,500,000
This project would renovate three existing swimming pools (David Raines Park, built in 1974, Airport Park, built in 1976 and Southern Hills Park, built in 1985). Work would also include upgrading existing splash pads at each site. It would also install a splash pad at Bilberry Park. Note that it is possible that the David Raines pool may be upgraded using State Capital Outlay funds originally earmarked for Project Swim, if those funds cannot be carried over beyond July 1, 2024. The pool at Bill Cockrell Park, which was in such bad shape that it could not be opened in 2023, is being upgraded using American Rescue Plan funds.
Tennis Upgrades and Pickleball Courts 700,000
This project adds additional pickleball courts at Mamie Hicks, Bilberry, Highland and Southern Hills Parks. They will be accessible for both tennis and pickleball.
Cargill Park Improvements- Fields and BMX 5,000,000
This project adds four turf multi-purpose fields that can be used for softball, football, soccer and any other sport that is played on a rectangular field. It also upgrades the BMX facility by adding restrooms and concession buildings.
Princess Park Upgrades for Therapeutic Recreation 5,000,000
This project would upgrade the building at Princess Park to more effectively serve the needs of the City’s Therapeutic Recreation program participants. It will also include a synthetic turf outdoor field to serve those with mobility needs and fencing to provide greater security.
Park Improvements and Upgrades 1,300,000
This includes replacing the roofs on pavilions at Ford Park, new restrooms for the Cross Lake boat launch, ADA improvements at Columbia Park, remodeling of the pool house at David Raines Park, improvements to the playground at Betty Virginia Park and the restrooms at the Duck pond.
Bill Cockrell Park Parking Lot 500,000
During the Committee’s public input meetings, several citizens noted that the parking lot at Bill Cockrell Park is too small. SPAR agrees with that assessment.
AC Steere Park Pickleball/tennis courts and playground resurfacing 500,000
This project breaks out work at AC Steere Park to make it clear what is being done. The existing tennis courts will be replaced with courts that can accommodate both tennis and pickleball. It also includes resurfacing the Right to Play playground to make it easier for mobility-impaired persons to use it.
Querbes Park- demo of pool, rec center; multi-purpose room 1,300,000
This project demolishes the 1940s era Querbes rec center and adjacent swimming pool. It also constructs a new multi-purpose room in the existing golf clubhouse to use for community gatherings and summer camps.
SUBTOTAL $18,800,000
Municipal Auditorium ceiling restoration and painting $ 2,500,000
The ceiling at the Municipal Auditorium (constructed 1929) has become a problem recently, with loose tiles occasionally falling, although no one was hit during the performances. This has required recent concerts to adjust their bass levels to make it less likely that vibrations would loosen the tiles. This project restores the ceiling to its original condition and include interior painting.
Hirsch Coliseum Renovations 3,500,000
This project would renovate the 70 year-old Hirsch Coliseum to make it code-compliant. The work includes work on fire doors, plumbing and restrooms, ADA, concessions, ticket office and other interior finishes. There is also an active State Capital Outlay project through the State Fair and another through the City that would add a new HVAC system and other improvements inside the arena.
Independence Stadium Upgrades 3,000,000
This project involves painting the steel stadium structure, new field lighting and upgraded seating in the stadium level.
Convention Center – parking garage waterproofing and entry area upgrade 2,300,000
This involves waterproofing the parking garage, repairs to entry features and will allow for paint and carpet upgrades.
Riverview Theater stage rigging upgrade 700,000
The stage rigging dates from the building’s original 1965 construction and is in need of replacement to assure the safe use of rigging when hanging propos, sound equipment and other items during events.
Sci-Port – waterproofing, interior and IMAX theater finishes 1,500,000
Sci-Port is now 25 years old and needs waterproofing and upgraded finishes in the interior and the IMAX theater.
New roof at Aquarium (Barnwell Center) $ 1,200,000
This replaces the roof at the former Barnwell Center. This project originally included the roof at Expo Hall, but that one is going to have to be done sooner, using ARP money. Note that it is possible that the Expo
City-wide parking lot improvements 2,000,000
SPAR is responsible for more than 1.1 million square feet of parking lots. This would allow the ones in worst condition to be resurfaced and restriped.
New Public Works Building (supplements BRF funding) 5,000,000
This project replaces a 1970s era building on Kings Highway that currently serves as the site for Solid Waste and an even-older compound on Mansfield Road at Claiborne Avenue that is where Streets and Drainage is located. The City has purchased a site on West 70th Street that formerly served as the offices and yard for an oilfield service company. Water and Sewer’s Field operations group will take over the existing building. The Biomedical Research Foundation (BRF) is working with the City on an agreement where the City would trade the property it is now using for Water and Sewer and Public Works in exchange for cash equal to the value of the land and improvements. These funds will be used to develop the 70th Street site, but are not enough to construct the new HQ building for Public Works. The site will house Traffic Engineering, Solid Waste, Fleet Services and Streets and Drainage. Both departments will share the paved yard for vehicle and equipment parking and supply storage.
SUBTOTAL $21,700,000
Medical Corridor Improvements $ 8,000,000
The City received a $22 million RAISE grant in 2022 to make significant improvements along the Kings Highway medical corridor (I-49 to at least Mansfield Road). The cost estimates that supported this funding are pre-COVID. Bond money is being sought to allow the original scope to be constructed and to match (20%) any additional State or Federal money that might be received. State Capital Outlay funds have also been requested for this project, but they are likely to go toward the Linwood bridge first. If funds are available, upgrades on the Greenwood Road corridor from I-20 to the Fair Grounds could also be done.
Fair Grounds Entrance Improvements 3,000,000
Accessing the State Fair Grounds from the east is difficult. The I-20 west off-ramp at Hearne discharges onto the narrow Corol Street and does not mesh well with the main entrance from Kings Highway. This project is designed to improve access from I-20 and to modify the Kings Highway connection to better serve traffic flow. State Capital Outlay funding has been requested and a token amount received in 2023.
Monkhouse Drive Improvements and Beautification 2,000,000
Citizens and visitors remind us constantly that Regional Airport is the first impression many people have of Shreveport – and that the section of Monkhouse Drive adjacent to the Airport is a big part of that. This project would narrow the pavement where appropriate and provide greatly-enhanced beautification. The project includes significant pavement reconstruction.
Bridge Improvements/Replacements 8,000,000
This project includes four bridges that need replacement or significant rehab. They are the Gilbert at Fern bridge over Bayou Pierre, the South Lakeshore Drive bridge over Bickham Bayou near Ford Park, the Quail Ridge Boulevard bridge over Gilmer Bayou and the Stoner Avenue bridge at Line Avenue.
Linwood Avenue Bridge Rehab 3,300,000
The Linwood Avenue bridge just south of Texas Avenue has been closed for several years due to structural problems. The estimated cost to replace it is $40 million. Instead, a project has been developed that will allow the rehab of the existing bridge to allow it to be reopened without weight limits. The full cost is estimated at $6.6 million. The City believes that it can obtain State Capital Outlay funds for the remaining 50%.
Wallace Lake Rd at Flournoy-Lucas Intersection 1,000,000
The City has funding to construct a traffic signal at this intersection. It needs funds to construct turn lanes and wider approaches to allow for more effective traffic flow.
Concrete Collector Street Reconstruction:
West Canal – Hollywood to West 70th 5,260,000
This may be one of the worst concrete streets in the City. It was likely constructed in the 1950s and has numerous structural issues. It serves Sunset Acres Elementary School and is the main north-south street in the Sunset Acres area.
Valleyview Drive – West Canal to Jewella 5,700,000
Valleyview is the main street of the Garden Valley subdivision. Its concrete surface needs major reconstruction.
Canal Blvd. – Hollywood to West 70th 5,000,000
Canal Boulevard is in similar condition to West Canal, although it is possible that it could just have major panel replacement instead of total reconstruction.
Asphalt Collector Street Reconstruction:
Pines Road – W. 70th to Buncombe Road 2,900,000
Financial Plaza – Pines Road to Frances 4,200,000
Curtis Lane – S. Fairway to Woodland Way 1,000,000
Claiborne Avenue – Hearne to Linwood 5,100,000
Blom Blvd. – S. Brookwood to Manor Place 1,800,000
All of these asphalt streets carry considerable traffic and are in need of full reconstruction. Claiborne Avenue serves as the main access to Claiborne Elementary School. Pines Road was mentioned by several citizens at the Committee’s public meetings as needing major improvements. Financial Plaza serves a busy commercial area. Blom is a significant collector road in Southern Hills and is one access to Ridgewood Middle School. Curtis Lane is a significant route in West Shreveport and has begun to deteriorate.
Concrete Collector Panel Replacement:
Jewella – Hollywood to Mansfield Road 2,000,000
Stratmore Drive – Stratmore Circle to Pugh Drive 2,000,000
Both of these streets are significant collector streets which need panel replacement, not reconstruction.
Collectors and Arterials – Local Match for State/Federal Funds (mostly panel replacement):
Linwood – Glen Oak to Linwood Bridge 1,200,000
Millicent Way – Youree Drive to Brunswick 500,000
Mt. Zion Road – Linwood to Kingston Road 1,320,000
Hollywood – Mansfield Road to Jewella 1,320,000
Kennedy Drive – Hollywood to West 70th Street 1,400,000
Pines Road – I-20 to Jefferson-Paige 2,000,000
These streets are eligible for 80% funding through the State, but the City does not currently have the matching funds which will be needed when the projects finally emerge from the State/Federal review process.
Neighborhood Street Reconstruction up to 52,500,000
This is the sum of the neighborhood streets recommended for work by the City Engineer, incorporating the analysis from the Pavement Condition Index. Allocations by district range from almost $15 million in District A to less than $5 million in Districts F and G. It is likely that the number for District G and perhaps others will increase based on input from their Council representatives.
Linwood Avenue Reconstruction – 70th to 84th 7,500,000
This street is the only section of Linwood south of 70th Street that is not funded for reconstruction. It has been in the “potential projects” list for some time. Having said that, it is also the one with the least need. It is possible that some panel replacement would be all that is needed.
Interstate Highway LED Lighting 8,000,000��
The lighting on I-20 in some places is as old as the interstate itself, which has led to significant failures of the wiring and circuits. The appearance of an interstate highway which is only partially lit will soon be contrasted with I-20 in Bossier City, where all new lighting is going to be installed as a part of the ongoing construction project. The total project cost for the five miles between I-49 and Pines Road is likely to approach $20 million. The City is seeking State Capital Outlay money to go along with what the bond issue provides.
Traffic Signal Installation 1,000,000
The City averages one or two requests a year for traffic signals that actually meet the warrants to have a signal installed. This would fund about four signals at current prices.
Southern Loop at Norris-Ferry Intersection Improvements 2,500,000
This intersection is getting busier, as new development occurs along Southern Loop. The project would fund dedicated turn lanes on both Norris–Ferry and Southern Loop. It also would improve drainage at that location.
Fant Parkway Shoulder Replacement 3,500,000
The paved shoulders along Fant Parkway have deteriorated over the years and need to be reconstructed.
Shreve Park Access Improvements 10,000,000
Shreve Park is the City’s most significant industrial park with land available for new businesses. However, access into it is on roads (especially the access near 70th Street and the Inner Loop) which are quite narrow and in deteriorated condition. This project would fund a new access to Bert Kouns. State Capital outlay funds are being requested for 2024. It is possible that the $10 million figure could be reduced, in anticipation of receiving at least some State funding. At least $2 million for the required match needs to remain.
University Park Paving and Drainage 5,000,000
This area in District A has concrete streets but almost no drainage. As a result, there is often significant water on the streets after even a small rain event. The project would reconstruct the streets and assure that proper drainage exists. This project has received some State Capital Outlay funding and is likely to receive more in the next few years. However, additional funding is needed to assure that the whole area is covered.
SUBTOTAL $158,200,000
Red River Erosion at Fant Parkway $ 2,000,000
This project would help stabilize a section of the Red River bank which has eroded so much that the walking trail is having to be relocated. There are concerns that further erosion could threaten the Parkway itself. This is really the responsibility of the Corps of Engineers, but they do not considerate a priority. The full-blown solution would cost millions of dollars, but this interim fix would place rock and concrete to stabilize the bank and keep it away from the Parkway.
Purchase of Flood-Prone properties 1,500,000
There are a number of low-lying properties, particularly in the MLK and Ford park areas, which are vulnerable to folding from Red River backwaters or Cross Lake. These funds would allow owners who wish to relocate to do so.
Brush Bayou Ditch Panel Replacements 2,000,000
This project addresses paved ditch deficiencies identified by the Corps of Engineers in a recent inspection.
Paved Ditch Repairs 2,000,000
This project would provide contingency funding if the City had a significant failure of a paved ditch. Continuing heavy rains make this prospect more likely each year.
Neighborhood Drainage Projects 2,000,000
At the Committee’s public meetings, there were several requests from citizens for drainage improvements affecting their neighborhood. This would allow them to be funded.
SUBTOTAL $ 9,500,000
Parking Garage $ 10,800,000
300 space parking garage designed to make it easier for developers to convert downtown buildings to housing. Likely to be sited south of Texas Street.
SUBTOTAL $ 10,800,000
GRAND TOTAL $392,900,000
There are still more steps in this process. The committee will put together the final list and submit it to the Mayor. Tom Arceneaux' team will them go over the list to determine if everything needs to be included. He will then have to decide how many bond propositions should be put on the ballot. The council would then take a look at the list and take the same steps.
CAO Tom Dark tells KEEL News they are working to get these bond proposals on the ballot on April 27. He says this "means the city has to have Council approval to call an election sometime in January, to meet State Bond Commission timetables. They don’t have to have the exact project list at that time, but the amounts for each proposition have to be set then. Ideally, both at the same time, but not absolutely required."
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