One Shreveport School Has New Backpack Requirement
SHREVEPORT, LA - Parents all around Shreveport and Bossier have been out shopping getting all the supplies to send children back to school next week.
Those school bells will soon be ringing.
Some schools do supplies differently. You pay a onetime fee and all of your supplies are ready for your child on day 1. But most public schools send out a supply list and you have to go buy all the items. These lists range from paper and pens to Kleenex and Lysol wipes.
We've heard some talk about new backpack rules at some Shreveport Bossier schools. KEEL News reached out to school administrators and were told that is an individual school decision.
What Is the New Rule?
Clear backpacks has been talked about at several schools and we now know at least one school has adopted this change. The Broadmoor Stem Academy is now requiring that all backpacks must be clear. Principal LaToria Stewart says this change is "for the safety of all staff and students." She has been sending out this new requirement to all parents on J-calls and on the Broadmoor Facebook pages.
This clear backpack rule is for all grades at Broadmoor.
Do you know about any other schools that require clear backpacks? Send me an email at erinmccarty@townsquaremedia.com so I can add that school to our report.
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