SHREVEPORT, LA - Shreveport got more than $48 million in American Rescue Plan money over the past 3 years. Almost all of it has now been spent.

KEEL News recently asked Mayor Arceneaux’s team where this money has been spent.

Erin McCarty
Erin McCarty

How Much Was Left When Arceneaux Took Office?

From Chief Administrative Officer Tom Dark:

"We had $28,275,300 left of the original $48.1 million at the start of 2023."

How Has the Money Been Spent?

$4.4 million on Ford Street utility work.

$4.5 million on the Knight Street project which was included in the 2011 bond issue, but there was not enough bond money to complete the work because of rising costs. That contract has now been awarded.

$4.9 million on Neighborhood Street Projects (just approved earlier this year, working on selecting streets and getting them designed).

$4.0 million on Supplemental Street project funding. This will include a long list of street projects around the city. One big project left to bid (Audrey Lane).

$750,000 Roof at Expo Hall

Sci-Port Discovery Center
Sci-Port Discovery Center

CLICK HERE to see what cities got the most ARP Money.

$4 million HVAC Repairs and Waterproofing – City Buildings. This will include work at Sci-Port and City Courts and Riverview Hall.

$1,200,000 Bill Cockrell Park Pool replacement, but this is being rebid because the initial bids were nearly double the budget.

$1 million C. C. Antoine Park supplemental funding

$50,000 Fant Parkway Trail Repairs

Google Maps
Google Maps

Here Are Other Projects the Money Was Used for:

Fire Station #14 (Greenwood Road) Supplemental Funding. Under construction

Included in 2024 General Fund budget for Police and Fire Incentive Pay $2,500,000

What Is Left and How Will It Be Spent?

Dark says "that totals $27,900,000, leaving about $575,300 unallocated. We will allocate the rest and redirect any surplus from Knight Street by the end of 2024, as required by law.

What Louisiana Cities Got the Most ARP Money from the Feds?

Millions of dollars flowed into cities across the nation in American Rescue Plan funds. Here's the list of the biggest government recipients in Louisiana.

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