Poll: Where Do You Think a New Police HQ Should Go?
With the recent news that there may be a way - after all - to cobble together financing for a new Shreveport Police headquarters, 101.7 / 710 KEEL's Robert J Wright and Erin McCarty discussed a number of possible locations for a new center for SPD.
Topping the list is the spot researched by Councilman Grayson Boucher, the BHP Billiton building on Preston Street. It's not-so-central location is offset by the price ($55 million), large parking area and space to expand as needed.
Another option is the vacant Sears building at Mall St. Vincent. It's size, large parking lot and an existing garage for maintenance make it attractive, but the age of the building and cost of renovation may be deal breakers.
Downtown Shreveport's Centerpoint Energy building is a longshot. Though it's large enough for the SPD's needs, updating the facility and a lack of parking put this location at the bottom of the list.
And the final choice, the SPD's current location on Texas Street, downtown. The plan to borrow the money for a new building on that spot was defeated by voters in the recent bond issue. But many proponents, Chief Ben Raymond among them, still think another singularly focused bond proposal could get the funds needed for a full scale overhaul.
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