Louisiana Motorists Could Face Charges for Helping Homeless
SHREVEPORT, LA - The Louisiana House has passed a bill that would make it illegal to give panhandlers anything on public streets or highways. This measure by Representative Dixon McMakin of Baton Rouge would ban motorists from giving cash or other items to folks who stand at street corners begging for money.
HB 97 Would Prohibit:
"Offering anything of value as an alternative element of this present law crime. It also prohibits the commission of this offense on a public street. Proposed law provides that the legislature finds that the safety and welfare of both motorists and
pedestrians within La. may all be well served by implementation of proposed law."
Currently it is a crime to solicit anything of value on any interstate highway
or on any entrance or exit ramp of an interstate highway.
Shreveport and many other cities have laws in place banning solicitation at street corners.
McMakin says his bill would encourage the homeless and others to go through the proper channels to get the help they need.
What Happens When Begging on Roads Stops?
As we have experienced in Shreveport, if homeless folks can not beg for money at street corners, they will typically move to parking lots at retail complexes which is quite prevalent in southeast Shreveport.
HB 97 passed in the House on a 92 to 11 vote. It is now on the way to the Senate. It has been assigned to the Judiciary Committee.
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