Operation Support Our Troops Needs Your Help
Memorial Day is the traditional start of summer, but it's also a time to reflect on the men and women who died for our freedom. Here is a way you can give back.
Operation Support Our Troops, Inc. was founded to help improve the morale and welfare of members of the armed forces of the United States of America deployed in harm's way. We accomplish our mission by sending care packages — a touch, a taste and a smell of home — as well as personal messages of support, and items that are not readily available to our troops in their deployed location
OSOT needs your help to send 4th of July care packages to our military members. Over this Memorial Day weekend, please consider picking up some of the following items:
Candy (not chocolate, it will melt), baby wipes, Gatorade/Crystal light drink mix, plastic funnels (to help them pour beverages into canteens), Gold Bond powder, non-aerosol athlete foot medication & sunscreen, fly , swatters, small patriotic decorations, handmade patriotic cards), toothbrushes, toothpaste, dental floss, Blistex/Chapstick, patriotic artwork made by children, notes/letters of appreciation & encouragement.
Donations are also needed to help pay for shipping. You can send checks made out to Operation Support Our Troops. Send checks to:
243 Justin Avenue, Shreveport, LA, 71105.
OSOT also needs help packing the boxes and getting them ready for shipping. The next packing day is June 6th. You are more than welcome to help us get these much needed supplies ready to be sent to our troops.
If your church, school or business or civic organization would be interested in becoming a drop-off location, please contact Shirley Olivieri-Mathies, Chairman of OSOT, Inc. – Shreveport Chapter at (318) 219-7488 or (318) 862-9847.
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