SHREVEPORT, LA - Louisiana is near the top of a nationwide list today. Preply has done a survey on spelling and grammar. They checked to see which states use autocorrect and spellcheck the most. We all learned grammar and spelling in school. But how much do we really remember. More than 1,800 Americans were tested and the results are mixed for the Bayou State.

What States Were the Best and Worst?

  • California, Connecticut, and Georgia are the only states to receive an A on their grammar skills.
  • Residents in Virginia, Michigan, and Tennessee received the lowest grammar scores.
  • Preply

    How Did Louisiana Perform?

    Louisiana is the 6th best state for spelling. We scored a 91.5. New Jersey, California, Wisconsin, North Carolina and New York were the only states ahead of Louisiana.

    On the grammar report, the news is different. Louisiana is 9th from the bottom scoring 83.4. Michigan, Kentucky and New York are the states with the worst grammar. Texas fares a bit better, landing at 10th best for grammar, scoring 87.3.


    How Would You Do on This Test?

    Do you think you could ace this test? You can give it a shot right now. You can take the same test that was done in this survey. I took the test and didn’t cheat at all and I barely passed. My big problem has to do with commas and semi-colons. I did goof up on spelling a bit. But the words are pretty hard. Don’t cheat and see how you do.

    If you're interested, you can take the test here. Share this with your friends and see how they do on this test which only takes about five minutes.

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