See All the Presidential Candidates on Louisiana Ballots
If you watch national coverage of the Presidential Election, you would think there were only two choices on every ballot. But that is far from the truth, especially in Louisiana.
How Many Parties Are There?
According to the sample ballots published online from the Secretary of State, Louisiana will have 11 candidates for President available on the ballot. This includes the prominent US parties, as well as some well known "third party" options, and even some parties the general public has probably never heard of.
The Republican candidate on the ballot is Donald Trump, and the Democrat candidate is Kamala Harris. Beyond that, commonly known "third parties" that appear are the Green Party and the Libertarian Party. Then you have some obscure party names that feature well known candidates.
Candidates like Cornel West will appear on the ballot, but they will be under the Justice For All Party. Or Robert F. Kennedy, Jr who will appear on the Louisiana ballot under the We The People Party.
Yes, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr Will Appear on the Louisiana Ballot
Because RFK ran his own campaign this year, it was a major effort to get on ballots across the United States. Even though our system allows for other parties, it is effectively set up to only have two parties compete for the Presidency. Any other party must spend an exceptional amount of money, time, and effort to get their candidates even on the ballot, let alone campaign in the state.
So after all of the effort to get on the Louisiana ballot, Kennedy dropped from the race in August. But it was too late to have him removed from the ballot in numerous US states, including Louisiana. So even though he's no longer running, he will appear on the Louisiana ballot as an option for President.
Here are the others that will also appear