
President Declares Disaster for Louisiana
President Declares Disaster for Louisiana
President Declares Disaster for Louisiana
FEMA announced today that federal disaster aid has been made available to the State of Louisiana to supplement state, tribal, and local recovery efforts in the area affected by severe winter storms during the period of January 8 to January 17, 2013.
Roemer Tests Presidential Waters
Roemer Tests Presidential Waters
Roemer Tests Presidential Waters
Though he has not officially announced yet, there seems to be little doubt that former Louisiana Governor and Congressman Buddy Roemer is serious about making a run for the 2012 Republican Presidential nomination.
Potential Candidates’ Plans
Potential Candidates’ Plans
Potential Candidates’ Plans
Tara Hollis, a school teacher from here in north Louisiana, says she's started a state-wide listening tour in her bid for Democratic challenger for governor. She plans to meet with residents and public affairs organizations -- and talk with all of the living governors, including Bobby Jindal...
Congressman John Fleming: Should Kagan Recuse Herself?
Congressman John Fleming: Should Kagan Recuse Herself?
Congressman John Fleming: Should Kagan Recuse Herself?
Louisiana's Fourth District Congressman Dr. John Fleming, released the following statement today responding to claims that Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan was involved in drafting a legal defense of  the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act when she was Solicitor General of the United States.

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