Daniel Erspamer from Louisiana's Pelican Institute think tank, talks about what he hopes to see the state legislature tackle in the soon-to-begin session.

"I(t's always an adventure," says Erspamer, referring to the legislators' agenda, "I believe, at lasst count, there was something to the tune of 880 bills filed so far for this session.

"This is a fiscal session, so there's all sorts of taxes and (related) issues on the table. There's a gas tax increase...being proposed. Frankly, the dumbest thing - if I can be so bold - is to not take advantage of this moment to help Louisiana emerge from this pandemic stronger that ever."

At the top of the Pelican Institute's legislative priorities is what they see as a long-needed simplification of the state's tax code. "The complexity of Louisiana's tax code drives jobs and opportunity to other states," Erspamer says, adding that his group has long endorsed a revenue-neutral simplification that would restructure of taxes for both individuals and businesses.

In addition, the Pelican Institute is also calling for the legislature to rein in state spending, make state spending more transparent, expand school choice and find a fiscally responsible solution to fix Louisiana's deteriorating infrastructure.

To see the entire list of Pelican Institute legislative priorities and details of each, JUST CLICK HERE!


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